Friday, November 26, 2010

Does Wikipedia Borrow Money

Wikipedia is one of the most known sites in the world. It contains a plethora of information about whatever topic you can think of. I do refer it for almost everything. But recently I saw a message appearing in every page of Wikipedia from Jimmy Wales who is the founder of the site.

The message at that site requests everyone interested in supporting Wiki, to donate some money to them. I saw the same message appearing last year also. The target last year kept by them was $6 Million. Now that's a huge amount, and they were able to manage it.

The best part with donation is that you do borrow money from people, but you do not have to return them back. It's like a free will to support some purpose or cause.

Personally I believe that the effort from Jimmy to keep the site ad free is very good, but still they need money to maintain the site, servers, people for maintainability, etc. Everything asks for money, so they come up with an innovative way to ask for donation from its readers.

Actually its benefit for readers also as they get the content in the site ad free and clear, its more like a business where you can take whatever you want, but you are free to pay or not.

I liked this way of making money via donation, as this is very genuine and is the most humblest form of surviving in this greedy world. If you take a loan or borrow money then you have to pay back, but here everything is yours. Smart & simple.

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